
Data & Research

It is essential that you only rely on facts cited from credible sources. Our judges are instructed to consider the accuracy of any claims or key messaging. Please research the facts thoroughly before deciding which to include in your communications plan. Today, the threat of water scarcity across the state is stirring debate, and our purpose is to inform those discussions with reliable and conclusive findings. While you are welcome to conduct your own investigation into the facts, a library of reference materials is provided. These resources will be updated throughout the competition, and we hope that you will continue to visit this website as a resource in formulating your strategy.


There are many organizations across Arizona and the United States that are committed to publishing reports and convening leadership to understand the data related to our water scarcity challenges. The list of those organizations and the research they are publishing are growing each day, and so is the relevant data. While many of the reports and external links cited here are seminal in shaping our understanding of the future threats, the nature of water scarcity is time sensitive. We encourage teams to continue their research into these issues and even to test the most often cited reports to ensure that your communication plan does not rest on facts or statistics which are subject to short-term changes.

Know Your Audience: Market Research

It is important to define your audience and to formulate your strategy based on a thorough understanding of the target communities that you plan to reach. You are welcome to limit your coverage to the Phoenix metropolitan area and surrounding communities (Valley of the Sun). However, some teams may choose to be more specific, and others are welcome to attempt to reach farther to engage an even broader audience. In any case, we are offering these resources as a basic library of facts and statistics to inform your understanding of our local, regional, and statewide demographics. You are required to show that you understand these communities - begin with a basic understanding of who they are and why these issues are important to them. Take special note of the cultural diversity of our state, including our Native lands, people and cultural traditions.

An initiative of the Arizona Community Foundation, Republic Media, and Morrison Institute for Public Policy to create the Arizona of tomorrow. Made possible through the support of the Tashman Fund and the Lodestar Foundation.